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Out from Under


"Out from Under" is an interactive sound installation consisting of a 15 ft. trampoline with flex sensors and sound sources positioned below participants' feet as well as vibrating across the mat. The installation's opening has been delayed due to COVID-19. This work was made possible through the help of the Institute of Arctic Studies. The work includes excerpts from an interview with Miilla Lennert, who has also been key in realizing this piece. 

“This piece is one of rupture — ruptures felt and recorded on the disintegrating Greenland ice sheet in the summer of 2019 — ruptures that echoes across our world (louder in some places than others) — one that shakes all things and the lines that tether us to one another. 

This piece illustrates my experience of these ruptures— a reflection on my relationship to them”


model to scale of installation lighting with one side of interior pulled down

stereo composition version of the work (wear headphones to listen)

video listening guide created for "Refractions of a Present Future" at Gallatin Galleries, NY (2020)

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