in my body (the room that will outlive us)
written for and performed by the Kukuruz Quartet
{for four pianos)
[released on album 'Breathing - Remembering - Dissolving' by Innova Records //]
we were in our own bodies
(that room that will bury us)
and you were in my body
(that room that will outlive us)
-Anne Sexton, ‘Us’
This sonic space is interested in ‘within’. Enclosed together– positioned between pianos – players stretch from the keyboards’ edges to their centers – from separation to entanglement.
if my heart had rooms like a whales’—
and you wanted to find a space in them —

listed and reviewed as part of "Best Contemporary Classical Albums : Bandcamp February 2023" : "The collection opens with “In My Body (The Room That Will Outlive Us),” a fantastic piece by Clara Allison—who, like several of the composers here, has studied at Stanford University, where this album was made. An image of the ensemble performing the work features them enclosed by a square comprised of pianos, their backs pressing against one another as they sit at the 90 degree angle where the instruments meet; their hands sometimes play two pianos at once. Even without this visual, the rhythmic tug of out-of-sync patterns is stunning."